The North Hills leading provider of organic based care!
412 - 369 - 8873
"Give Your Lawn the VIP Treatment!"
Locally Owned
20+ Years of Experience
96% satisfaction rate
Customized Programs
Easy Payment Plans
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Did you know...
Proper mowing is the single most important element of lawn care?
Mulching the lawn clippings does not create thatch?
Check our tips section for more!
Heavy clay soil is standard in our area. This causes most lawns to live in the top 2 or 3 inches of soil, preventing water and nutrients from reaching deeper into the soil. Our Soil Improvement Program extends the root zone up to 6 inches.
Would you like a better, more organic lawn? Our Lawn Improvement options are all natural and cost effective. Let us show you how you build a better lawn without expensive renovations.
Locally owned
20 years of experience
96% satisfaction rate
Fully licensed and insured
Fast, free custom quotes
Frequently Asked Questions
Do we use granular or liquid material?
Most of our products are granular. Broadleaf weed control is liquid and is applied on an as-needed basis.
Do you let us know when an application is scheduled?
Yes. We send out an automated courtesy call a few days before all applications. No action is needed on your part - it is simply an FYI. If you want to mow, that's fine but don't worry about it. The applications are designed to work in a wide variety of situations.
How long should we stay off the lawn after a treatment?
30 - 60 minutes is usually enough time to let any weeds we've sprayed dry off. You can avoid the lawn for 24 hours or until it rains to be extra cautious. Many of our products are all or partly organic. This does not mean they are safe to ingest. A little common sense goes a long way. Don't pick up, play with or eat anything we apply to the lawn. We make every effort to be neat and you should not find any material on driveways or sidewalks.
How long does an application take?
An average lawn takes 10 - 15 minutes. We use precision equipment that applies material in exactly the right amount and it tends to be a quick process. Be assured we will spend as much time as needed to give you the best result possible.
How soon can I mow after an application?
If possible, wait 24 hours to mow. But don't worry about it - granular material settles into the ground very quickly and will not be disturbed by the mower. If there are any special mowing instructions, we will include them on the note we leave at your door.
It rained shortly after the application. Will it still work?
Yes. Granular material needs to be watered in to start working so rain is helpful. Our broadleaf weed control is designed to be rain-safe very quickly but sometimes a heavy rain will reduce its efficacy. We'll be glad to stop back but please understand we need to wait 10-14 days avoid possibly overtreating the lawn.
What kind of results can I expect?
We strive to make every lawn as healthy and attractive as possible while maintaining our committment to safe, responsible practices. It's important to remember that despite our best efforts, Mother Nature doesn't always cooperate. Excessive cold, heat, humidity or rain is always a challenge and will create temporary issues for your lawn. You can help enormously by following our mowing tips.