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Let us show you how your lawn can be green, healthy and safer for your family.  Our program works with nature by restoring your soils' ability to naturally produce its own nutrients.

Why Organic Matters

Is your lawn a synthetic fertilizer junkie?

Unfortunately, for many lawns the answer is yes.


Put simply, synthetic fertilizer is the lawn equivalent of junk food.  And just like junk food it will give the lawn a quick burst of energy.   But it is also very high in salts that deplete the soils' natural ability to create and supply nutrients.


We know that when we rely too much on junk food our health will suffer.  The same thing happpens to your lawn - excessive top growth, poor root structure and diseases such as red thread, leaf spot and dollar spot.  The worst part is that the short term answer to many of these problems is actually more synthetic fertilizer to encourage the lawn to try to grow thru the problem it created to begin with.  Sounds crazy, right?


But there is a better answer - get off the synthetic treadmill by using more organic material.  Organics work by reactivating the naturally occurring bacteria and microbes in the soil.  These in turn unlock the the soils' natural supply of nutrients which will feed the lawn slowly and correctly.

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