The North Hills leading provider of organic based care!
412 - 369 - 8873
"Give Your Lawn the VIP Treatment!"
Locally Owned
20+ Years of Experience
96% satisfaction rate
Customized Programs
Easy Payment Plans
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Did you know...
Proper mowing is the single most important element of lawn care?
Mulching the lawn clippings does not create thatch?
Check our tips section for more!
Heavy clay soil is standard in our area. This causes most lawns to live in the top 2 or 3 inches of soil, preventing water and nutrients from reaching deeper into the soil. Our Soil Improvement Program extends the root zone up to 6 inches.
Would you like a better, more organic lawn? Our Lawn Improvement options are all natural and cost effective. Let us show you how you build a better lawn without expensive renovations.
Is Your Lawn a Fast Food Junkie?
Do you like fast food? Who doesn't? But as much as we like it, we know that we cannot build our diet on a base of empty calories that lead to short and long term health issues. Your lawn is no different!
Traditional programs make two mistakes. The first is trying to feed the grass with fertilizer that is high in salt based nitrogen. This depletes the soil of its natural nutrients and makes the lawn dependent on even more fertilizer! The proper approach is to feed the soil. Good soil is alive and teeming with bacteria and microbes that release the nitrogen that is naturally present. This feeds the grass slowly and consistently, producing a healthier lawn. See why organic matters.
The second mistake is over-treating weeds. Weed control is hard on grass and should almost never be applied to the entire lawn, especially multiple times each year. Weed control is meant to be just that - control - and should be used in a targeted manner. Every lawn will suffer if weed control is used to chase down every last weed. The best approach is to not give weeds a place to grow, or to put it a different way, to provide the best possible environment for grass to grow and thrive.
Just like fast food, synthetic products have their place if used properly. With crabgrass for example, the only effective way to control it is with a traditional pre-emergent application in the spring. Grub control is another example - it is applied at a very low rate and it provides broad spectrum control over a number of destructive lawn pests.
What can you expect with our program? You'll see one immediate benefit - less top growth, resulting in better mowing. As the lawn is on the program longer, you'll notice it handles heat stress much better - it will take longer to go into dormancy and will recover better and faster.
Why wait? Call or email today for a free quote and see how we can get you on a more organic path to a great lawn!