The North Hills leading provider of organic based care!
412 - 369 - 8873
"Give Your Lawn the VIP Treatment!"
Locally Owned
20+ Years of Experience
96% satisfaction rate
Customized Programs
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Satisfaction Guaranteed
Did you know...
Proper mowing is the single most important element of lawn care?
Mulching the lawn clippings does not create thatch?
Check our tips section for more!
Heavy clay soil is standard in our area. This causes most lawns to live in the top 2 or 3 inches of soil, preventing water and nutrients from reaching deeper into the soil. Our Soil Improvement Program extends the root zone up to 6 inches.
Would you like a better, more organic lawn? Our Lawn Improvement options are all natural and cost effective. Let us show you how you build a better lawn without expensive renovations.
Improve your soil naturally!
Do you have poor quality or thin soil? Many homeowners think the only way to fix this condition is expensive - either a complete renovation or to bring in new topsoil. But there is a better way and it's completely organic! Our exclusive Granular Compost is a proven, cost effective way to improve your soil and the overall quality of your lawn. For new or difficult yards, we recommend two applications. For normal lawns, one application is sufficient.
Granular Compost - a VIP Exclusive!
What is our Granular Compost?
It is pelltized earthworm castings. It comes straight from earthworms with no alterations. Worm castings contain high concentrations of beneficial bacteria and microbes that are added by the earthworms during the digestive process. These microscopic creatures help different elements of the soil work in conjunction with each other to create healthy, living soil that provides the best atmosphere for optimum growth. Worm castings contain trace minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and zinc in addition to auxins and cytokinins, naturally occurring growth hormones that promote bigger and more fibrous plant roots.
How Does it Work?
When compost breaks down in the soil it becomes humus, a mixture of soil materials, microbes and organic matter. Humus retains water in a surface film that is available to plants' root hairs, even after water has drained away from the root zone. It will continue to break down slowly over time as weather conditions, nutrient availability and populations of microbes change.
Does Humus Change Soil Texture?
Yes! Humus causes aggregates, or larger particles, to form in the soil. The result is a coarser texture that is more friable (easily crumbled), looser and srains more freely. The small grass roots hairs will grow into the humus and organic matter, taking advantage of the added nutrients, beneficial microorganisms, and retained water.
What Are the Benefits to the Lawn?
Increased nutrient availability and uptake
Improved water retention
Extends the root zone
Reduces soil compaction
Reduces thatch buildup
Is it Expensive?
No, because the granular form greatly reduces the labor cost to spread it over the lawn. This results in a direct savings of more than 80% versus the cost of other compost materials such as mushroom manure.